Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Eugene Marathon Adventure "I Finally Get It"

Hi Friends,

So I made it to Eugene and checked in at the race expo.

From there I still had some time to kill before the hotel room was going to be ready. So I decided to wander around a bit and see a few of the sights I had been reading about. I put the location for "Pre's Trail" into the GPS and was on my way. Eugene was hopping as there was a baseball/softball game going on and the football team was having a Spring scrimmage. Oh and a little running race with about 9000 people running around town.

I made it to Pre's Trail and then stopped along the side of a beautiful narrow road to pay my respects to Steve Prefontaine at a spot called "Pre's Rock." It is the spot that he was hit while running in 1975. I brought along a little bit of Reno in the form of a shirt from Reno Running and Fitness and placed it on his marker.  After taking a few photo's and helping others capture the moment for their scrapbooks, I was off to see if my room was ready.

Having not been part of any activity as a member of Team in Training before I was curious to see just what was planned for the team dinner Saturday evening. I got checked in to my room and showered just in time to get my slow moving rear down to the conference room for dinner.

Whatever I had expected was thrown right out the window when I walked in on a group of adults dressed in every form of purple hat, wig or funny shirt. Yes there were cheer leaders greeting all of the runners as they made their way in the conference room. After first adjusting my expectations from that of a nice dinner and a few speakers, to a cheer filled and emotional evening, we were eating and laughing with others from all over the country. I guess I was a little apprehensive but finally got the big picture when Katie made her way with her Mom to say a few words.

Little Katie and her Mom, Robin told us about what it was like to learn that Katie now 7 had Cancer. She learned when she was 2 that she had Cancer and Robin told us what it has been like to live with her diagnosis. Reading her bio you are immediately heartbroken when you see on the line that says status of illness ...
"All available options have been used and have failed.  She is now listed as terminal and not getting any treatment at this time."

Oh, I finally get it. This is the reason I am here on this night. I needed to learn about this and understand that I am running not only for the medal at the end. And not just for the accomplishment of setting a goal and sticking with it. I am here because I needed to understand that this little girl, Katie has little chance of growing up unless something is done and a cure/treatment is found and very soon. I get it now. What I did may have made a difference. I did this race for Katie she was the super star.

Katie finally sat down and her Mom continued to tell about life with little Katie, and we all laughed and cried a bit and celebrated her being with us on this night to share her love. Thank you Katie and Robin and Team in Training for opening my eyes to this World I could not see without making this trip.

Off to bed we have a race to run in the morning.


1 comment:

  1. Great job Don! Going to the Pre monument must have given you tons of motivation. I'm totally jealous. Good job buddy. Chris
